In secundo nocturno.
Pro feria tertia, et sexta.

In the second nocturne.
On Tuesday, and Friday.

Ant: In loco pascuae.

Ant: In place of pasture.

Psalmus [22]:
Dominus regit me, et nihil mihi deerit: in loco pascuae ibi me collocavit.
Super aquam refectionis educavit me: animam meam convertit.
Deduxit me super semitas iustitiae: propter nomen suum.
Nam et si ambulavero in medio umbrae mortis: non timebo mala, quoniam tu mecum es.
Virga tua, et baculus tuus: ipsa me consolata sunt.
Parasti in conspectu meo mensam: adversus eos qui tribulant me.
Impinguasti in oleo caput meum: et calix meus inebrians quam praeclarus est.
Et misericordia tua subsequetur me: omnibus diebus vitae meae.
Et ut inhabitem in domo Domini: in longitudinem dierum.

Psalm [22]:
Our Lord ruleth me, and nothing shall be wanting to me: in place of pasture there hath he placed me.
Upon the water of refreshing there he hath brought me up: he hath converted my soul.
He hath conducted me upon the paths of Justice: for his name.
For although I shall walk in the midst of the shadow of death: I will not fear evils, because thou art with me.
Thy rod, and thy staff, they have comforted me.
Thou hast prepared in my sight a table: against them that trouble me.
Thou hast fatted my head with oil: and my drink filling cup, how goodly is it?
And thy mercy shall follow me: all the days of my life.
And that I may dwell in the house of our Lord for length of days.

Requiem aeternam dona eis Domine: et lux perpetua luceat eis.

Eternal rest give unto them O Lord: and let perpetual light shine unto them.

Ant: In loco pascuae ibi me collocavit.

Ant: In place of pasture there hath he placed me.

Ant: Delicta.

Ant: The offences.

Psalmus [24]:
Ad te Domine levavi animam meam: Deus meus in te confido, non erubescam.
Neque irrideant me inimici mei: etenim universi qui sustinent te, non confundentur.
Confundantur omnes iniqua agentes: supervacue.
Vias tuas Domine demonstra mihi: et semitas tuas edoce me.
Dirige me in veritate tua, et doce me: quia tu es Deus salvator meus, et te sustinui tota die.
Reminiscere miserationum tuarum, Domine: et misericordiarum tuarum, quae a saeculo sunt.
Delicta iuventutis meae: et ignorantias meas ne memineris.
Secundum misericordiam tuam memento mei tu: propter bonitatem tuam Domine.
Dulcis, et rectus Dominus: propter hoc legem dabit delinquentibus in via.
Diriget mansuetos in iudicio: docebit mites vias suas.
Universae viae Domini misericordia et veritas: requirentibus testamentum eius, et testimonia eius.
Propter nomen tuum Domine et propitiaberis peccato meo: multum est enim.
Quis est homo, qui timet Dominum? legem statuet ei in via, quam elegit.
Anima eius in bonis demorabitur: et semen eius hereditabit terram.
Firmamentum est Dominus timentibus eum: et testamentum ipsius ut manifestetur illis.
Oculi mei semper ad Dominum: quoniam ipse evellet de laqueo pedes meos.
Respice in me, et miserere mei: quia unicus et pauper sum ego.
Tribulationes cordis mei multiplicatae sunt: de necessitatibus meis erue me.
Vide humilitatem meam, et laborem meum: et dimitte universa delicta mea.
Respice inimicos meos, quoniam multiplicati sunt: et odio iniquo oderunt me.
Custodi animam meam, et erue me: non erubescam, quoniam speravi in te.
Innocentes et recti adhaeserunt mihi: quia sustinui te.
Libera Deus Israel: ex omnibus tribulationibus suis.

Psalm [24]:
To thee O Lord have I lifted up my soul: my God in thee I put my confidence, let me not be ashamed.
Neither let mine enemies scorn me: for all that expect thee, shall not be confounded.
Let all be confounded that do unjust things: in vain.
Lord shew me thy ways: and teach me thy paths.
Direct me in thy truth, and teach me: because thou art God my saviour, and thee have I expected all the day.
Remember O Lord thy tender mercies: and thy pities, that are from the beginning of the world.
The sins of my youth: and my ignorance do not remember.
According to thy mercy remember thou me: for thy goodness O Lord.
Our Lord is sweet, and righteous: for this cause he will give a law to them that sin in the way.
He will direct the mild in judgment: he will teach the meek his ways.
All the ways of our Lord be mercy, and truth: to them that seek after his testament, and his testimonies.
For thy name O Lord shalt be merciful to my sin: for it is much.
Who is the man, that feareth our Lord: he appointeth him a law in the way, that he hath chosen.
His soul shall abide in good things: and his seed shall inherit the land.
Our Lord is a firm stay to them that fear him: and his testament that it may be made manifest unto them.
Mine eyes are always to our Lord: because he will pluck my feet out of the snare.
Have respect to me, and have mercy on me: because I am alone, and poor.
The tribulations of my heart are multiplied: deliver me from my necessities.
See my humbleness, and my labour: and forgive all my sins.
Behold mine enemies, because they are multiplied: and with unjust hatred have hated me.
Keep my soul, and deliver me: I shall not be ashamed, because I have hoped in thee.
The innocent and righteous have cleaved to me: because I expected thee.
Deliver Israel O God: out of all his tribulations.

Requiem aeternam dona eis Domine: et lux perpetua luceat eis.

Eternal rest give unto them O Lord: and let perpetual light shine unto them.

Ant: Delicta iuventutis meae et ignorantias meas ne memineris Domine.

Ant: The offences of my youth, and my ignorances remember not O Lord.

Ant: Credo videre.

Ant: I believe to see.

Psalmus [26]:
Dominus illuminatio mea, et salus mea: quem timebo?
Dominus protector vitae meae: a quo trepidabo?
Dum appropiant super me nocentes: ut edant carnes meas.
Qui tribulant me inimici mei: ipsi infirmati sunt, et ceciderunt.
Si consistant adversum me castra: non timebit cor meum.
Si exurgat adversum me praelium: in hoc ego sperabo.
Unam petii a Domino, hanc requiram: ut inhabitem in domo Domini omnibus diebus vitae meae.
Ut videam voluntatem Domini: et visitem templum eius.
Quoniam abscondit me in tabernaculo suo: in die malorum protexit me in abscondito tabernaculi sui.
In petra exaltavit me: et nunc exaltavit caput meum super inimicos meos.
Circuivi, et immolavi in tabernaculo eius hostiam vociferationis: cantabo, et psalmum dicam Domino.
Exaudi Domine vocem meam, qua clamavi ad te: miserere mei, et exaudi me.
Tibi dixit cor meum, exquisivit te facies mea: faciem tuam Domine requiram.
Ne avertas faciem tuam a me: et ne declines in ira a servo tuo.
Adiutor meus esto, ne derelinquas me: neque dispicias me Deus salutaris meus.
Quoniam pater meus et mater mea dereliquerunt me: Dominus autem assumpsit me.
Legem pone mihi Domine in via tua: et dirige me in semitam rectam, propter inimicos meos.
Ne tradideris me in animas tribulantium me: quoniam insurrexerunt in me testes iniqui, et mentita est iniquitas sibi.
Credo videre bona Domini: in terra viventium.
Expecta Dominum, viriliter age: et confortetur cor tuum, et sustine Dominum.

Psalm [26]:
Our Lord is my enlightening, and my salvation: whom shall I fear?
Our Lord is the protector of my life: of whom shall I be afraid?
Whilst the harmful approach upon me: to eat my flesh.
Mine enemies that trouble me: themselves are weakened and are fallen.
If camps stand together against me: my heart shall not fear.
If battle rise up against me: in this will I hope.
One thing I have asked of our Lord, this will I seek for: that I may dwell in the house of our Lord all the days of my life.
That I may see the will of our Lord: and visit his temple.
Because he hath hid me in his tabernacle: in the day of evils he hath protected me in the secret of his tabernacle.
In a rock he hath exalted me: and now he hath exalted my head, over my enemies.
I have gone round about, and have offered in his tabernacle an host of loud crying: I will sing, and say a psalm to our Lord.
Hear O Lord my voice, where with I have cried to thee: have mercy on me, and hear me.
My heart hath said to thee, my face hath sought thee out: thy face O Lord I will seek.
Turn not away thy face from me: decline not in wrath from thy servant.
Be thou my helper, forsake me not: neither despise me O God my saviour.
Because my father and my mother have forsaken me: but our Lord hath taken me.
Set me a law O Lord in thy way: and direct me in the right path, because of mine enemies.
Deliver me not into the souls of them that trouble me: because unjust witnesses have risen up against me, and iniquity hath lied to itself.
I believe to see the good things of our Lord: in the land of the living.
Expect our Lord, do manfully, and let thy heart take courage: and expect thou our Lord.

Requiem aeternam dona eis Domine: et lux perpetua luceat eis.

Eternal rest give unto them O Lord: and let perpetual light shine unto them.

Ant: Credo videre bona Domini in terra viventium.

Ant: I believe to see the good things of our Lord, in the land of the living.

V: Collocet eos Dominus cum principibus.

V: Our Lord can set them with the princes.

R: Cum principibus populi sui.

R: With the princes of his people.

Pater noster, qui es in caelis, sanctificetur nomen tuum: adveniat regnum tuum: fiat voluntas tua, sicut in caelo et in terra: panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie et dimitte nobis debita nostra, sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris.

In secret:
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.

V: Et ne nos inducas in tentationem.

V: Lead us not into temptation.

R: Sed liber nos a malo, Amen.

R: But deliver us from evil. Amen.

Lectio quarta (Iob 13):
Responde mihi, quantas habeo iniquitates et peccata: scelera mea atque delicta ostende mihi. Cur faciem tuam abscondis, et arbitraris me inimicum tuum? Contra folium quod vento rapitur, ostendis potentiam tuam, et stipulam siccam persequeris. Scribis enim contra me amaritudines, et consumere me vis peccatis adolescentiae meae. Posuisti in nervo pedem meum, et observasti omnes semitas meas, et vestigia pedum meorum considerasti. Qui quasi putredo consumendus sum, et quasi vestimentum quod comeditur a tinea.

The fourth lesson (Job 13):
Answer thou me, how great iniquities, and sins I have: my wicked deeds, and my offences shew thou me. Why hidest thou thy face and thinkest me thine enemy? Against the leaf that is violently taken with the wind, thou shewest thy might, and persecutest dry stubble. For thou writest bitterness against me, and wilt consume me with the sins of my youth. Thou hast put my foot in band, and hast observed all my paths, and hast considered the steps of my feet. Who as rottenness am to be consumed, and as a garment that is eaten of the moth.

R: Memento mei Deus, quia ventus est vita mea: Nec aspiciat me visus hominis.

R: O God be mindful of me, for that my life is but wind, nor the sight of man may behold me.

V: De profundis clamavi ad te Domine: Domine exaudi vocem meam. Nec aspiciat me visus hominis.

V: From the depths I did cry to thee O Lord, O Lord hear my voice. Nor the sight of man may behold me.

Lectio quinta (Iob 14):
Homo natus de muliere, brevi vivens tempore, repletur multis miseriis. Qui quasi flos egreditur, et conteritur, et fugit velut umbra, et numquam in eodem statu permanet. Et dignum ducis super huiuscemodi aperire oculos tuos: et adducere eum tecum in iudicium? Quis potest facere mundum de immundo conceptum semine? Nonne tu qui solus es? Breves dies hominis sunt, numerus mensium eius apud te est. Constituisti terminos eius, qui praeteriri non poterunt. Recede ergo paululum ab eo, ut quiescat, donec optata veniat, et sicut mercenarii dies eius.

The fifth lesson (Job 14):
Man born of Woman, living a short time, is replenished with many miseries. Who as a flower cometh forth and is destroyed, and flyeth as a shadow, and never abideth in the same state. And dost thou count it a worthy thing to open thine eyes upon such an one: and to bring him with thee into judgement? Who can make clean him that is conceived of unclean seed? Is it not thou which only art? The days of man are short, the number of his months is with thee. Thou hast appointed his limits, which cannot be passed. Depart a little from him, that he may rest, until his day wished for, do come, even as of the hireling.

R: Hei mihi Domine, quia peccavi nimis in vita mea: quid faciam miser, ubi fugiam, nisi ad te, Deus meus? Miserere mei, dum veneris in novissimo die.

R: Woe is me O Lord, for that I have sinned too much in my life: O wretch what shall I do, whither shall I fly, but unto thee, my God? Have mercy on me, whilst thou comest in the later day.

V: Anima mea turbata est valde: sed tu Domine succurre ei. Miserere mei dum veneris in novissimo die.

V: My soul is troubled greatly: but thou O Lord succor it. Have mercy on me, whilst thou comest in the later day.

Lectio sexta (Iob 14):
Quis mihi hoc tribuat, ut in inferno protegas me, et abscondas me, donec pertranseat furor tuus, et constitutas mihi tempus, in quo recorderis mei? Putas ne mortuus homo rursum vivet? Cunctis diebus, quibus nunc milito, expecto donec veniat immutatio mea. Vocabis me, et ego respondebo tibi. Operi manuum tuarum porriges dexteram. Tu quidem gressus meos dinumerasti, sed parce peccatis meis.

The sixth lesson (Job 14):
Who will grant me this, that in hell thou protect me, and hide me, till thy fury pass, and appoint me a time, wherein thou wilt remember me? Shall man that is dead, thinkest thou live again? All the days, in which I am now in warfare, I expect until my change do come. Thou shalt call me, and I shall answer thee, to the work of thy hands, thou shalt reach thy right hand. Thou indeed hast numbered my steps, but spare thou my sins.

R: Ne recorderis peccata mea Domine, Dum veneris iudicare saeculum per ignem.

R: Remember not O Lord my sins, whilst thou shalt come to judge the world by fire.

V: Dirige Domine Deus meus in conspectu tuo viam meam: Dum veneris iudicare saeculum per ignem.

V: Direct O Lord my God my way in thy sight. Whilst thou shalt come to judge the world by fire.

V: Requiem aeternam dona eis Domine: et lux perpetua luceat eis. Dum veneris iudicare saeculum per ignem.

V: Eternal rest give unto them O Lord: and let perpetual light shine unto them. Whilst thou comest to judge the world by fire.

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